
How Do You Make a Display Sunlight-Readable in an Outdoor Environment?


How Do You Make a Display Sunlight-Readable in an Outdoor Environment?

Have you tried reading from your tablet or a roadside screen on a sunny day? You know the frustration you feel when the sunlight makes content disappear from the screen. Even moving to a shady space or a cloudy day doesn’t help, because the images are washed out on the screen. This is where sunlight readable displays can help.

Sunlight readable LCD (sometimes known as daylight viewable) designs work in direct sunlight or harsh ambient light conditions. Different technologies are used to produce sunlight readability no matter what the bright light source. In this article, we’ll talk about outdoor LCD technologies that make a display readable in a sunny environment. These include enhancing the backlight, applying optical films, and optical bonding. With the latest technologies, your outdoor screens will be easy to view and interact with on a sunny day.

3 ways to make the LCD sunlight-readable

Depending on the environment, you will need anywhere between one and three different solutions to make your display readable.

1st solution: Backlight enhancement
Bright sunlight or other forms of high ambient light can render devices’ displays useless. They are brighter than the LED backlight and the image on the LCD screen appears washed out. LED backlight enhancement is one method to overcome the bright sunlight.

Standard TFT LCD screens, on average, have a brightness of about 250 to 500 nits. With backlight enhancement, a 7”-27” LCD screen can be boosted to a minimum of 1000 nits and a 32”-85” LCD is modified to a minimum of 2500 nits. As a result the device becomes a sunlight-readable display.

2nd solution: Optical films
Today’s optical films take displays to their full optical potential. They maximize the viewing performance, with a high transmission rate and low reflection as well.

These films control the distribution of light, and improve contrast, color, brightness, and image quality, all the properties required to create a sunlight readable LCD display. Depending on your applications and environment, you might wish to consider UV protective film to prevent yellowing and bleaching. IR heat rejecting filters are also very popular on industrial sunlight readable monitors because they help cool the surface down and prevent thermal accumulation that destroys the display.

3rd solution: Optical bonding technology
Optical bonding is the process of filling air gaps between TFT displays and the overlaid touch sensor. It is used on the top surface of the display and involves the application of optical-grade adhesives. Optical bonding technology decreases light refraction. Hence, it improves the TFT screen’s visibility and readability.

Optical bonding offers the following advantages:

  • It eliminates mismatched reflective layers to improve contrast.
  • It increases sunlight readability.
  • It enhances durability by providing resistance to vibration and shock.
  • It strengthens the integrity of the LCD monitor.

DisplayBoost’s complete solution

Contact us today and let us know your requirements and we will design a complete solution using the new technologies described above that will make your displays readable and long-lasting.

Products we carry are from industry leaders


Why do you need a sunlight readable display?


Why do you need a sunlight readable display?

Sunlight-readable displays have proven to be the breath of fresh air needed to take the display screen industry to a higher level with greater applicability. The outstanding features reviewed in our previous post give you tangible incentives to upgrade to better technology. Suddenly, what wasn’t possible before has become simpler and easier with many light-emitting devices.

The evolution of technology has raised the bar. Smartphones are improving every year, and now there are models that perform particularly well no matter how bright the sunlight. New technology makes it easy to view content on hot, sunny days. The advanced technology means mobile users can view any content effortlessly, but this raises their expectations of similar performance with other outdoor displays.

Even under the bright noon sun, you and your customers can enjoy screen content without straining to view it. You’ll have the eyes of a hawk in the daytime without desperately searching for shades to allow you to see the information you are reading.

Reasons to install sunlight displays in outdoor spaces

Using the same technology for kiosks and outdoor LCDs takes the advertising industry to a whole new level. With the new technology, your content will have great readability and visibility of content on the street and other outdoor locations. Sunlight readable displays are also required for bright locations such as transportation, marine environments, and in manufacturing. These industries benefit highly from the use of sunlight readable LCDs. As EV charging stations become mainstream, they also need sunlight readable displays.

DisplayBoost quality: The winning choice

However, the bottom line in choosing our solutions is our low RMA ratio. Our sunlight readable LCD solution has an RMA ratio of less than 1%. Imagine your products are in 50 diverse locations. It would be a costly headache for engineers or system integrators go to the field to repair the products. We offer the best quality, meaning you don’t need to worry about downtime, repairs, or returns. Want to know more about how to choose a sunlight readable LCD? Read our first post:

Products we carry are from industry leaders


Choosing the Best Sunlight Readable Screen


Choosing the Best Sunlight Readable Screen

“Sunlight readable” is the newest catchphrase when it comes to LCD panels. Everyone wants it, but few people can say with any certainty who the best suppliers are and what sets one sunlight readable screen apart from another.
DisplayBoost wants to change that. Sunlight readable screens shouldn’t be a mystery. Especially since they’ve become a staple of the modern military, and more and more business are placing them in high demand. So let’s dig into the nitty gritty and discuss sunlight readability, the new must-have for every LCD panel.

Sunlight Readability: What Is It and Why You Need It Now
Ever stand outdoors with an LCD screen and blink only to have your screen disappear? Direct sunlight or strong overhead lights wash away any chance of reading the text or seeing the images clearly. Sunlight readability takes a multiplex approach to LCD screens, combining a variety of factors from a cutting edge backlight system to high contrast ratio to anti-reflective screens with anti-glare solutions.
If your LCD screen is lacking in any one of these technologies, your visibility will suffer for it. But put them all together, and you’ll walk away with an LCD screen that stays bright and easily readable in any kind of direct or ambient light, no matter how bright or dark. Take sunlight readable LCD screens onto the battlefield, into the sea, or set them up in any kind of industrial setting without worrying you’ll lose visibility or function.

Choosing a Sunlight Readable LCD Panel
A multitude of companies sell sunlight readable LCD panels and claim to be the best, but they can’t all be. There are three key points to keep in mind when choosing a sunlight readable screen for your business.

  • Uniformity. An advanced LCD screen will have uniform lighting from one edge to the other. There should be no varying shades of brightness or pockets of shadow.
  • LED backlight system. Look for a backlight system with highly sorted, low variability multi-chip LED sensors that offer low power consumption combined with low heat output.
  • Heat dissipation. Heat should never collect inside your LCD panel. Cutting-edge designs disperse heat evenly so it dissipates quickly and your screen stays functioning.

Keep these three factors in mind when searching for a sunlight readable screen and you’ll walk away with an LCD capable of meeting the heavy demands of both outdoor and indoor applications.

DisplayBoost: Exceeding Expectations
DisplayBoost meets and then exceeds industry standards for all its LCD panel designs. Using innovative technology, we ensure your screen remains sunlight readable. What sets us apart from the others?

  • 90% Uniformity. Our advanced LED backlight system maintains 90% uniformity or above despite weather and lighting conditions.
  • Minimum Brightness. Every DisplayBoost 1000 nits LCD panel remains clear, crisp, and bright with no tolerance drop down.
  • Brightness Decay. Brightness and visibility remain steady even when run 24/7. DisplayBoost screens only diminish 5-8% in any 24 hour period.

DisplayBoost offers 20 core technologies that increase visibility and keep your screen sunlight readable under any circumstance. Shop our LCD screens now and always have the screen you need at your fingertips.

Products we carry are from industry leaders